The Neti Pot™ is easy to use, and with a properly mixed saline solution, it feels soothing and comfortable. Heres a quick summary of how to use your Neti Pot™ (Detailed instructions are included in the package):
1. Prepare the saline solution: mix a heaping ¼ teaspoon on Neti Pot™ Salt in the Neti Pot™ with 8 ounces of warm water. Then add one (1) dropperful of Neti Wash Plus®.
2. Turn your head to one (1) side over the sink, keeping the forehead slightly higher than the chin.
3. Gently insert the sprout in the upper nostril so it forms a seal. Rise the Neti Pot™ so the saline solution flows out the lower nostril.
4. When the Neti Pot™ is empty, face the sink and exhale vigorously.
5. Refill the Neti Pot™ and repeat on the other side.
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